Friday, January 9, 2009

Already Overwhelmed

Where do I start ... I feel like I'll never keep up with my Tivo! I added a new show to the mix called Corner Gas. It's a Canadian show and it's freaking hilarious. Clean, dry and quirky, kind of like most Candians I know. It's probably one of the few shows I can watch with my kids present. It's on 2 times a day ... in the wee hours of the morning, so when I wake up at 5am like I'm likely to, I can watch 2 episodes before anyone wakes up. I've seen 3 episodes so far and it is definitely worthy of mention on this blog.

Flight of the Conchords starts this weekend! Again, another dry and quirkey show, only from Australia, or is it New Zealand, anyway ... this one can't be viewed by children.

Whatever Martha is starting to wear on me. It was funny at first, but now little miss Alexis and her attitude are starting to make me yawn.

Total Wrecklamation started up with new episodes and Jody auctioned off stuff from a great Lincoln Park house. What I wouldn't give to get in on some of those auctions. Front doors alone would be worth the trip. It's amazing, door that would retail in the thousands going for a couple hundy ... as long as I'm not part of it, I will never think it's fair.

In the dead rock star file, I started re-watching Stoned. It's about Brian Jones and his rise and fall and death. What a jerk he was. Seriously, he lived in a fantasy world. Obviously he didn't attend the London School of Economics like his bandmate Mick Jagger.

Watched the season premiere of Damages. I swore I wouldn't watch it. I liked last season, but wow, the opener was great! I love Glenn Close's character and Frobisher isn't dead, surprise surprise. William Hurt is in this season and I think he's fantastic. He was underrated in The History of Violence and I still see him breaking through glass to get at Kathleen Turner in Body Heat. The other main character, Ellen, seems like she's on ludes, but then again, she is still dealing with the death of her fiance (on the show). I don't see how they will ever be able to get a case going against Patty and I have a feeling that the cops Ellen is working for are actually working for Patty ... we'll see.

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