Tuesday, May 5, 2009

must be spring

My fingernails are in a pepetual state of dirty ... taking multiple showers a day to get the dirt off my knees and hands and where I wipe my face with said dirty hands. And the blahg is feeling lonely ... I think I've been doing this for about a year now ... I think .. BUT, my veggie garden is almost all planted, need to tend to my garden beds, one in particular is getting overgrown with what used to be pretty little purple flowers, unbeknownst to me ... are weeds.

I'm thiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to giving up on Bill Maher's show. The only reason I stuck with it this week was because he had Barney the blowhard Frank on ... sorry, but he amuses the snot out of me. He looks so canine to me. But he also had Fareed Zakaria on and he's just a brilliant person who makes everything sound easy to understand. Such a gentleman ... let Barney the bulldog blather on and on, but managed to come out looking much smarter in the end.

Watched Run Fatboy Run ... hilarious. Simon Pegg is hysterically funny. I think that Shaun of the Dead is one of the best horror movies ever mad. Didn't realize Fun Fatboy Run was directed by David Schwimmer, but how hard could that movie have been to direct? Plus, I wonder if I'm the only one who wonders if David Schwimmer is as big of a douchebag as he appears to be. Seriously, dude, you're known as Ross from friends, but I have a feeling that you'd completely dress someone down if that character is mentioned to your face ... don't know, but he just doens't seem like a very nice person. Maybe that's why he's directing. That way he can be a douche, but be the boss. Wonder how much of a jerk he is to work for as an actor???

I've watche 3 parts of We Shall Remain. It's just amazing. The episode about Tecumseh was particularly great because most of it takes place in Indiana. He was a true warrior and I'll have to add Prophetstown state park in Lafayette as a destination to see. The latest episode was about the Trail of Tears .. it's America's version of ethnic clensing ... around 4,000 native americans died being foreced off their homeland and moved west. Just so sad. The Cherokee seemed to be the most powerful nation of them all and it's wonderful that the language is still spoken today ... a truly deep rich culture that refuses to be wiped off the face of the earth. The next episode is about Geronimo. I have to say, this series does my history heart proud. I hope this is being shown in high school and college classrooms because this is an area of history that is being completely ignored .. probably because of the atrocities committed against them ... sad, but this subject needs to be discussed and learned about.

The series, Party Down is just ok. I doubt it will be picked up for another season. But maybe the actors in the series will be able to use the show as a step to bigger and better things.

I heard that Reaper is going to be cancelled. Major bummer.

And where are the new Total Wrecklamations??? I've seen one new one!!!! Come on Planet Green and Discovery Communications ... bring more Jodi!!!

Ok, back to digging in the dirt ... not the peter gabriel song either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful site, I love it! Don't give up on Reaper! At reaperdmv.com we've got dedicated fans, nice people, who are trying all kinds of things to save the show. Come visit!